Advocacy / CADSI News
CADSI receives funding to promote Western Canadian companies at international security and defence events
Ottawa, July 24 2015 – Christyn Cianfarani, president of the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI), today welcomed the Government of Canada’s announcement that Western Economic Diversification Canada has awarded CADSI — the national voice of Canada’s defence and security industries — over $1.1 million dollars to support the participation of Western Canadian defence and security companies at international defence and security events and missions between 2015 and 2017.
This funding will enable CADSI to better promote the participation of Western Canadian companies – particularly small and medium-sized enterprises – through exhibiting with the Canada Pavilion, a marketing platform managed by CADSI. The Canada Pavilion uses the Canadian maple leaf as a global calling-card at the world’s biggest defence and security trade shows to connect Canadian sellers with international buyers. Some companies exhibiting with the Canada Pavilion at one recent international trade show were even featured on Canadian national TV news.
“This Government of Canada funding will enable CADSI to better showcase world-class goods, services and technologies from Western Canada and connect these companies with international buyers at defence and security trade shows and trade missions under the Canada Pavilion banner – all with the goal of winning more business abroad and creating more high-value jobs in Canada,” said Christyn Cianfarani, president of CADSI. “The more Canadian defence and security companies compete and win internationally, the more competitive we are here at home.”
Tracey Medve, President of KF Aerospace, and member of the CADSI board of directors was on hand at the announcement in Kelowna, representing the Chair, Mike Greenley.
Trade shows benefiting from this announcement where the Canada Pavilion will exhibit between 2015 and 2017 include:
- Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) in London, UK
- Association of the United States Army (AUSA) in Washington, DC
- Sea, Air and Space Exposition (SAS) in Washington, DC
- Eurosatory Defence and Security International Exhibition (Eurosatory) in Paris, France
- International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Canada’s defence and security industry generates approximately $12.6 billion in revenues annually, half of which comes from exports. The industry employs 109,000 Canadians in high-value jobs, contributes $9 billion to Canada’s Gross Domestic Product annually and has a positive net trade balance of $4.4 billion.
The Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries is a not-for-profit national business association that represents Canadian defence and security industries. The Association represents more than 1,000 member companies selling to defence and public security markets. The industries employ more than 109,000 Canadians and generate $12.6 billion in annual revenues, roughly 50 per cent of which comes from international sales. CADSI member companies are of all sizes and offer a wide spectrum of goods and services to their customers, and to business partners in Canada, the United States, and internationally. To learn more, visit:
For more information:
Nicolas Todd, Director of Policy and Government Relations
Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries
Tel: (613) 235-5337 x 37
Email: [email protected]
The Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI) is the national industry voice of more than 650 Canadian defence, security and cybersecurity companies that produce world-class goods, services and technologies made across Canada and sought the world over. The industries contribute to the employment of more than 78,000 Canadians and generate $12.6 billion in annual revenues, roughly half of which come from exports. To learn more, visit and follow us on Twitter at @CadsiCanada .

Media Inquiries
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Tel: +1 613-235-5337 x43
The Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries
251 Laurier Ave. West, Suite 300 Ottawa, ON, K1P 5J6