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Webinar: The rules around lobbying have changed. Are you prepared?

Event Description

On July 1, 2023, the Commissioner of Lobbying released an updated Code of Conduct that may affect how CADSI members interact with Public Office Holders, including members of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Join us for a webinar with W. Scott Thurlow from Thurlow Law & Public Affairs, noted expert in the federal lobbying rules, to discuss the new guidelines, including how they impact Public Office Holders attending events and what constitutes a gift.

Date:     Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Time:     1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Eastern
Platform: Zoom
Connection Details: Zoom link will be sent to all registrants before the event.

This webinar is complimentary and open to CADSI Members.

Topics to be addressed

  • The new $40 low-value limit for gifts and hospitality
  • The annual maximum amount of $200
  • How to avoid creatiing of a sense of obligation on the part of the Public Office Holder
  • New cooling off periods for leadership or political activities
  • How this will impact CANSEC and other CADSI events


W. Scott Thurlow has been a member of the Law Society of Ontario since 2003 and provides advice on matters relating to the Lobbying Act, accountability, ethics and regulatory policy. Thurlow Law has been helping clients navigate the complicated landscape of Federal and Provincial laws and regulations since 2014.

If you would like more information, please contact Mindy Pearce, Policy Advisor, at [email protected].

Event Details

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Event fees

  • This webinar is complimentary and is open to CADSI Members.
  • Login information will be sent to all registrants before the event.  
  • This event is not open to the media. 


October 03, 2023
13:00h - 14:00h




Why attend?

This session will provide essential information for CADSI members that cannot be found anywhere else.