We are experts in the manufacture of custom connectivity solutions from cable assemblies, wire harnesses, electro-mechanical assemblies, box builds, sub-assemblies and more.  We custom build interconnect solutions for OEMs across many industries - defence, medical, robotics, UAVs, transportation, industrial equipment, satellite & communications, nuclear & power, agriculture, forestry & more.

Data Cable assembles and manufactures custom connectivity solutions from our 35,000 sq.ft. state-of-the-art manufacturing and distribution facility in Orangeville, Ontario, Canada. Backed by decades of experience, Data Cable are proven experts having solved some of the most complex interconnect problems for a variety of applications. Our engineers ensure the product you receive performs with 100% accuracy.

A key differentiator in a highly competitive market is the ability to deliver your product in a compressed end-to-end cycle time. You can be assured that Data Cable’s LEAN work cell environment reduces time waste and facilitates rapid prototyping and timely production runs.